Many times people will call and ask me questions. Never really looking for an answer, just wanting to voice what they have on their minds, and looking for little to no interaction with the person on the other end of the line.
This is a masterful skill that not many have, as most have mouths bigger than the state of Texas, and ears as small as a needle point. I have over many years of practice learned this fine art. I know that my shoulder is sometimes a pillow for others to cry on, and my ears are just there to absorb what others have to say. Though I may be a person of few words, it is at this time of silence that I am taking in more than you could ever imagine. Yes my expression may glaze over and it not seem like im listening but many times I am forming my own rebuttal to what is being said to me.
I guess what the meaning of this post is supposed to be is this. Sometimes you need to listen and not speak. Sometimes others dont need your view point, and even though you do not agree with something, dont knock it as its not your place. If someone asks your opinion do not beat them over the head with it simply say ‘i feel this way________, but I support your choice to do _______” one of my most favorite things to tell people is this :
“I really dont agree with that choice, however, I am always going to be right here for you, good, bad, or indifferent. Just note that I reserve the right to say ‘Ha ha I told you so…””
This lets others make their own decision and that way should they fail in what they were indecisive on they can not come back and said ‘well i did what you said now look at where I am!” Because you only offered up your view point, you didnt give them the idea, you merely suggested how you would do something.
Remember words are powerful weapons, and better than doctors, when used correctly.
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