Many times we obtain so much baggage, and clutter that before we know it we need to have a yard sale or be buried by it. First we need to think about what it is that we truly need. Things like family heirlooms are things to keep because they keep us rooted and help us see where we’ve been and what we come from.
Other items like knick knacks and things that really have no value other than esthetics really are not things to keep ahold of.
Baggage can be boxes but many times its emotional. So how do we get rid of emotional baggage? Have an emotional yard sale, and your potential clients may bring you tears, and some may help you laugh. I use the phrase ‘emotional yard sale’ to symbolize what is needed to be done. At these sales, we dig through all of the clutter and open boxes and sort through the (for lack of a better word) crap that just needs to find a new home.
So what do you do when you want to have a EYS? Sit down in a quite place and recap over all of your memories, even the painful and tragic ones. If it requires someone else to be there to help you talk it all out, then get yourself another set of ears, and if someone else isn’t available then get your self a tape recorder and just start talking.
Alot of times just hearing what you need to say helps, I know it does for me. Really allow yourself to have the full range of emotions that you need in order to knock these things out of your life.
You lover cheated on you, take a picture of them and just yell at it. You may feel funny yelling at something inanimate but you know what, this is about you and not what other people think. We bottle things up alot of times which just preserves the hurt, the pain, and the betrayal. Taking the lid off and allowing things to air out is what allows the healing process to begin.
You have the permission to keep the good things bottled up to keep them fresh and in good condition, though they may need a little dusting to make them shine again, but hey, this is what is going to help us remember the good times as well as the bad ones.
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