With the over prescribed medications that are available to us today, we have a pill for everything that could possibly be afflicting us. We have pills to enhance our sex life, to make us happy, to make us thin, to make our head not hurt, to keep us from pooping to much, ect.
We have walked away from our natural ability to heal ourselves. We take so much crap that is over the counter that we have forgotten how to use what the earth has provided us with to heal ourselves. We relay on the pharmaceuticals, instead of our own inner spirituality and the herbs that many of us have either in our backyard and within the neighborhood.
Day in and day out we are bombarded with the stresses of work, family, and bills. We begin to drown in our loathing of these event. Relationships become strained, work performance begins to fail and this begins a downward spiral that is at times hard to pull up from, which in the long run results in loss of employment, which brings on about a whole new dimension of problems.
Here are some simple steps to begin the healing process:
Meditate: You do not have to be a Zen Buddhist Monk to meditate. Just close your eyes and let all of your stress and anxiety drain away. Focus on your goal for the day, and try to project positive energy at it. Think of your self as a large rubber ball in which things bounce off of.
Aromatherapy: Believe it or not you can use smell to relax you and make you de-stress quickly and really improve your disposition. See our post under Aromatherapy
Showers: Take a nice hot shower, and let it all just wash away.
Herbs: Herbology is making a large come back, and with it the homeopathic remedies of yesteryear. Herbs have played a huge part in our now modern day medicine.
Even if you are not Pagan or Wiccan in nature you can adapt these simple spells/rituals for what ever your religion may be.
Below, you’ll find some spells that are centered around focusing your magickal energy inwards, to affect yourself; your own mental and spiritual healing. You’ll also find that certain parts of the spoken spells are omitted; not for copyright are these omissions. These have been edited out to encourage the creativity in my audience; if you read the introduction section, you can find a bit more explanation there. Succinctly put, write your own spells! They’re more powerful, and more likely to attract the energy you need to accomplish magickal goals.
Spiritual Cleansing Bath
You Need:
As many white candles as you want, or have
Oil; for anointing
Mirror; bathroom mirror will do
Sprinkle the bit of salt, rosemary, and sage into your bathwater, after lighting all your white candles. Strip, climb in, and allow yourself to relax, or meditate for a bit, as you see fit. After a few moment, quietly repeat a cleansing spells for spiritual and emotional progress; it should be spoken to your Mother Goddess, whichever you serve, so be sure to begin the spell, or prayer, with a simple greeting or call; “O, Mother Goddess…”
After you’ve spoken your prepared spell or prayer, rinse thoroughly; make sure your entire body, including face and hair has been dunked beneath the water. Then contemplate every hurt you have ever endured, the wrongs done unto you, those you have done unto others, every pain, regret, ounce of guilt, and sadness. Then affirm aloud:
“I release this.”
Close this part of the ritual in a final cleansing. Rinse yourself in the water as thoroughly as you did the first time, then affirm aloud:
“O, Mother Goddess (insert name here), help me to release that which I have not seen.”
Step out of the bath, but do not dry off yet. Stand in front of the mirror, nude, and dip your fingers in the oil you set aside earlier. Place your fingers to each of your chakars, and bless each one aloud, and by name. Then dry off, and relax; you’ll feel your spiritual cleansing immediately.
Manifesting A Desire
You Need:
Red Candle
Burning Dish; a dish that you can safely burn something in, but not a bowl.
A bit of paper
Something to stir the dish with; small knife, or even a small stick.
Settle yourself in a space where you have peace and quiet; perhaps near your altar, or wherever you feel you are most comfortable performing magic. Sit, and meditate on your desire; concentrate for a few moments, and when you’re ready, awaken, and write your desire on the slip of paper. Your candle should be placed at about chest height, on the table you’re sitting in front of you, where you’re sitting. Light your candle, and focus on the flame for a few moments. Now, imagine a glowing ball of white light in the center or your chest, and say aloud:
“I connect myself to the powers of the Universe.”
Now, close your eyes. Imagine your own, perfect spiritual form rising above your physical body, first looking down at your body, then the room, and rising higher, to view the world from above, higher and higher. Say aloud, affirmatively:
“There is one power in the Universe and I am a perfect manifestation of that power.”
Open your eyes, take the paper in your hand, and say:
“There is one power in the Universe, and I am a perfect manifestation of that power. And as such I will that even as this paper burns, so too will that which I have written come to pass. May it come without struggle, and harm none. I will it. I manifest it. I accept it. I receive it. I give thanks for it. By my will so mote it be.”
Burn the paper with the candle flame. Imagine a glowing white light around the paper. Once it is alight, hold it as long as you can, safely before place it in the burning dish. Turn the paper so that it burns completely, and evenly. The speed at which the paper is reduced completely by the flame will be your omen; the longer it takes for the paper to burn, the longer it will take for your desire to manifest. Remember, you have already manifested your desire, from this point on, put it out of your mind, and patiently move forward with the knowledge that it is coming, and will arrive at the right time.
Healing the Negative Aspects of Your Being
You Need:
Red Candle
Black Candle
A few hours of time completely alone.
Mirror, preferably a tall one.
Two sheets of white, blank paper
Burning dish
Stick, for stirring dish
Pencils & Eraser
Meditate first; meditation before a spell is important, because it frees your mind of all the unnecessary mental clutter that holds you back during spellwork; “Did I leave the coffee pot on?’ ‘I wonder if the clothes in the dryer are done?’ ‘I was supposed to call my mom today’ —-these are the kind of thoughts you learn to repel, and allow to bounce off your consciousness, with meditation. When you’re finished mediating, your mind is clear, and alert, and fully dedicated to the task at hand.
Now, strip down, completely nude; be at ease in your skin, it’s natural, and no one earth has the same body as you. You and your body share a relationship more intimate than you will ever find on earth, so it’s important to feel c omfortable in it. Now, stand in front of the mirror, and, with an open mind, examine every inch of your body. Make note of all your physical flaws. Now, sit comfortably, and draw yourself nude, on one sheet of your paper, focusing on what you feel, are your body’s biggest faults, and flaws.
In the free space of the paper, list all of the flaws in your body that you don’t like, and would like to see changed, and then, all of the bad habits, or personality flaws you’d like to see go away and be replaced by healthier habits. Next, take your paper to the altar. Using your matches, light the black candle, hold your paper, and imagine a soft white light, glowing around the paper. Say aloud:
“There is one power in the Universe, and I am a perfect manifestation of that power. And as such I release all these things that I have drawn, and written on this paper, that they may limit me no more. May they be healed and transformed, and their energy reused by the Mother (insert goddess name here), as she sees fit. By my will, with harm towards none, so mote it be.”
With the flame of the black candle, set the paper alight, and holding it, allow it to burn as long as possible in your hand, before placing it into the burning dish. Focus on all the negativity draining away, and move the paper with the stick so that it burns evenly, and thoroughly. Affirm aloud:
“And it is done.”
Remain nude, and respectfully extinguish the black candle. Return to your paper and pencils, and draw yourself again, this time focusing on the attributes you like best in yourself. In the free space of the paper, write your best physical and personality traits, and those you wish to strengthen and develop. Return to your altar, with the paper in hand and light the red candle. Visualize a glowing white light around the paper and say aloud:
“There is one power in the Universe and I am a perfect manifestation of that power. And as such I will that all these things that I have drawn and written on this paper will grow in stength, and flourish in my life. May they come to me as surely as the river goes to the sea, as surely as the rain goes to the ground. By my will, with harm toward none, so mote it be.”
With the flame from the red candle, light the paper, and while holding it, allow it to burn there as long as possible before setting it in the dish. Turn the paper with the candle so that it burns evenly, and focus on positivity increasing, and strengthening. Affirm aloud:
“And it is done.”
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