Hello Witches,
So it is the day after Yule and I have been doing some reflecting this morning and wanted to share those thoughts with you. Last night (12/25/19) was a powerful day/night. Not only did millions come together for their various holiday traditions, but we also had a solar eclipse. The energy of 12/24-12/25 was just amazing. It being paired with the new moon, really caused something special. For the last several decades, I have been observing an "awakening" of people. Watching them come to the realization that the old ways were never really forgotten, and that the progression forward after countless religious wars, prosecution, oppression, and demonetization therein had taken place.
We are now seeing an uprising in like mindedness across the board, on a scale like never before. The Christians say that it is an attack on CHRISTmas and things like that, forgetting the blood that is on its hands from the very early days. People had been so indoctrinated into believing that they didn't have power, that they were apart from nature, and that they needed to gather in building of stone and mortar in order to find god. Never realizing that if they so much as lift a stone or walked in the woods they would find the Old One's just outside of their vision.
Since I was about 13yrs old, I knew that there was something more to the vale of ignorance that people walked around in. I couldn't begin to fathom the idea that all of this was the creation of one being. As a child I use to question my upbringing. My fathers side of the family Christian, and my biological mothers side spiritual (some christian, some agnostic, some pagan, some atheist). My bio mother allowed me to choose which side to serve, and allowed me to go to church, and to do whatever I wanted when it came down to the question of my own spirituality. She taught me her shamanistic ways, and introduced me to witchcraft when I was young.
From there I branched out on my own, past the limited knowledge that she possessed and studied black magic (satanism, traditional witchcraft, devil worship, voodoo, vampirism, etc) I found that I really had a knack for Black Magic and lived my life for many years a black magician. Now that I am much older, I have found myself living a more Grey life. Blending White and Black and trying to stay in balance as best as I can. I found that my life feels more complete that way. Over the years I have taken on students and taught them various forms of magic. I remembered my bio mothers teachings and allowed the student to dictate what they wanted to do and learn. If they asked me a question, I answered it. When I was being taught Wicca, I found that there were elders who liked to shut the door and wanted things to be done in a more traditional way of A Year and a Day. Making the student ascend the ranks of progression from the First Degree, to the Second Degree, and finally into the Third Degree.
My early teachers, didnt care that a student showed more potential than the "class" that they were in. They forced you to learn your way and take time to ascend to "master" as it were. On the day of my Third Degree initiation, I thanked them for their lessons, and scolded them as fools for holding me back when it was clear that I came by things naturally and turned my back on the coven and at the time Wicca. It is also when I decided that I would never withhold information from anyone who asked. And if I didnt have the answers I would find them and answer the person at a later time. Now there have been times when I have withheld information, or didnt teach someone because I could see and feel that they were basically going to be playing with a loaded gun, and I didnt want to have to clean up after them. I would give them very little information and send them on their way. I have learned to listen to that inner voice that we all have. I have found that when I dont, I always pay a steep price there after, and its like the gods, spirit, and the universe say "ha ha told you". So If I feel like I shouldn't teach a person or that I shouldn't give them the full scope of information, then I dont.
I NEVER LIE about what I tell the person. But when you have been around the block and down the alley as long and as much as I have, you learn to listen more than you speak, and if the right questions are being asked, then you move on from there.
So all of that behind and in the open. This last student that I took on, just missed the mark. I could see that they wanted to learn and had a very very very dormant ability, but was to hung up on past familiarity, and wasn't able to let go and fully dedicate and commit to the "new ways" I was teaching them. I tried to teach the law of attraction, how to basically pay it forward because they could not because they were expecting anything in return, and how by living selflessly things would come back and bless their life.
Well that translated into the universe and the gods becoming a crutch and an ATM. I likened it to "ringing a door bell obnoxiously". I told this student "you can not constantly ring the door bell and ask for everything to be fixed by the gods, or magic, or the universe. You have to put in the leg work, and crawl through the mud, and show genuine 'suffrage' before asking for help." Like we would be looking for a parking space and they would send out a request to the universe to find a parking space. I would reprimand them and let them know that isn't how it works, that if you ask for all these little blessings then there is no room or time for bigger blessings to manifest because the universe and the gods are constantly granting you these on the spot wishes like some genie with unlimited wishes. Then they would always try to compare themselves with me.
Meaning they would point out the blessings that I got, but when they asked for something similar the proverbial door was slammed in their face. Then I would again point out that I do things all the time without the thought of being rewarded and that I give of myself. And that I dredge through the muck and mire and only ask for help when I needed it. And when I do ask the gods or spirit or the universe for help, that I do so from a place of humility and without hubris, and would simply say
"blessed goddess mother divine, I come to you in this time of need. My cup is overflowing and the weight is to much to continue to bare. I understand that there is a lesson that needs to be learned. I ask that you lessen the load, and help me to still learn the lesson that is needed. If it is your will please bless me with this humble request."
And I leave it and still continue my journey. Sometimes it is almost instantly that I feel the relief, other times I still fall flat on my face in the mud for a week or so more. I also do a rededication to my patron gods and goddesses several times a year. Sometimes on full moons, other times just because its a Tuesday. I feel that this type of practice for me is the best, and it helps me reconnect to the divine. However, what works for me may not work for you. And that is fine.
But like I started off saying, I have seen an awaking on a global scale. It is a wonderful thing, seeing a resurgence of "old knowledge" making its way back. We have a lot going on around the world. We have leadership in place (especially here in America) that has awakened the sleeping dragon of racism, and bigotry.
There is an uprising of "me, myself, and I". And a decline in brotherhood and fellowship. Yet among the enlightened few who are begining to wake up, you see a total change. The younger generations are starting to have a voice. Though the older generations are not wanting to hear them, and are trying hard to silence them. Technology is connecting us (and separating us) like never before. Where the voiceless went unheard.
There is now social media that gives them a voice. Though bullying and keyboard warriors still troll cyberspace. For those few, knowledge and kinship, and connection is being made. We are all a part of nature not apart from nature. Eventually the obsolete ways of thinking will come to an end. It may pass like a kidney stone, but eventually it will pass.
So it is my humble wish and blessings upon all who may read this, that the tears and hardships that you faced and shed this year, help to grow that which was sown in the upcoming year.
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