A lot of times when someone contacts me for help I am always so fearful of what to tell them. I know that what my cards have to say will always be the truth even if the person on the other end of the phone doesn’t want to hear what I have to say.
But its been of late that I have really been in awe of the readings and the reactions that I have been getting from the people that I have been helping. I have gotten some great feed back, and them telling me how dead on I am with their readings and how much my insight has helped them with their problems and issues. I sometimes doubt myself, and it is just refreshing that Spirit and The Goddess show me that I am on the right path.
I know that I shouldn’t doubt myself or my craft, I have been at this for well over 15 years now and I know all the ins and outs of the craft, but when it comes to giving tarot readings I still have my reserves. Here is what one person had to say about a reading I gave them the other day:
“Wow this was amazing I cannot put words to how good and spot on you were…Thank you so much for all the insight and you have given me. You are right I do need to cut ******** out of my life and move on.”
I will admit its not always peaches and cream however, there have been those times where I just couldn’t connect with the person that I was reading, and I am sure that there are others out there that feel the very same way that I do and can understand what I am saying. But like I said, I just need to keep my chin up, and know that Spirit and The Lady will keep me on the path to continue helping others.
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