Be blessed and bless others. A simple statement, but one that not many understand, let alone practice.
With the state of affairs and the stressful times we are all facing around the world, we sometimes forget to look at the blessings that we have in our lives. To many times we are caught up in our own drama and self loathing that we neglect taking a moment to just stop, look around, and be thankful for the blessings that we have in our lives.
Yeah your power bill may be overdo, and you need new tires on your old rust bucket, and you have about $30 until your next paycheck and you are 2 weeks from the first. But stop and think about what you have. Yeah it may not be much, but its more than what some have. At least you have a home, and utilities, and a car. Some dont have a car, or a home.
Its easy to sit back and allow the rising tidal waters of depression and despair to almost sink you completely. I suffer from depression (as most of the world does too at this point in time) and understand the "oh well fuck it" attitude that we adopt. But that is when you take time and reconnect with your higher power, and just open your heart to the universe, god/dess, spirit, etc. and talk it out. Many is the time that I find myself doing this. I go through the struggle as much as possible. But when I feel myself losing all footholds I had, I will sit down and reconnect.
"Blessed Goddess Mother Divine. I come to you in my time of need. My cup is running over, and my burdens are to heavy for me to shoulder on my own right now. I know that with hardship and struggle there comes valuable lessons. But it is to much for me to handle right now. I come before you and ask that you lessen my load. Allow me to bare this still, but also help me to learn the lessons that are needed to be learned at this time. Blessed mother, please I beg of thee. Hold me and guide me as you always have, and take my hand and guide me through these trying times. Within you I find comfort and strength, and through you, I know my journey to be safe. I ask this of you and hope that you find my humble request favorable. Please take from no one else, or bring harm to any in helping me. As you will it, so mote it be."
This is something (or a version) of what I say when I just feel to overwhelmed. I make sure to actually go through the struggle and fall in the proverbial mud before I reach out and ask for help. That is one thing that you have to do. So many times people think, well let me just cast a spell and get through this. Or "let me just ask the universe to provide for me." You "can" do this, but its better to go through some things first before lighting up a candle and throwing some juju at it.
One should always strive to give blessings and to give selflessly of themselves in order to bring blessings into those who are in needs life. This can be anything. A car ride. Your last $5. Paying for someone's groceries, or getting the coffee for the person behind you. "What if I dont have anything to offer?" YOU ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER SOMEONE. Yes there have been times that I have given a homeless person, or someone begging for change at the gas station my last $5 dollars. Yes that was all the money that I had. Yeah I could have used that money for something else. Maybe that person is going to go buy alcohol or what have you. But it was my blessing to them. What they do with it is on them. Whatever karma comes back upon them for using it the way they do is not my concern. "Why would I give someone my last anything?" The simple answer is just this, BECAUSE YOU CAN.
The old adage "what goes around, comes around" works. I have seen it in full effect. Sometimes it is instant, sometimes its a week or so later. But eventually it all comes back. "What about those people who constantly screw others over? They never get a pie to the face. Yet I am over here struggling and trying to be a good person and they can just be an asshole and do whatever with no repercussions." Well did you ever stop to think, maybe they are in the situations that they are in because they are like that? "Well then why would I want to give them blessings or try to help them out?" Because you are a good person.
See we get so tied up in the whole drama of things and are so quick to point fingers and curse this person or that person for doing things that we deem wrong or bad, that we miss out on the fact that maybe we can be the one good thing in their lives. Bless others without the expectation of return. Give selflessly. People always want "instafame" for things that they do. Like they will go feed the hungry, and then post themselves all over social media, and hashtag their posts, so that they can get the approval of "their adoring audience". That isnt what blessing others is all about. Do so selflessly and quietly. No one needs to know that you gave someone a come up. Bless without the expectation of repayment or reward. Do good because you feel it. Not because the spotlight is on you. That will never come back to you in a positive manner. You cant have strings to your helping others. You cant say "well if I help you with this you need to do something for me." That right there is a quick way to get YOUR blessings taken from you.
I swore a promise to my patron goddess that IF I ever got a car, and I saw a hitchhiker that I would give them a ride as far as I could. Sometimes I have taken people 40 miles out of my way, just to help them along their journey. I have given my last few dollars to the homeless person because I knew that they needed it more. I have paid the difference at the store because the person ahead of me didnt have enough to cover their bill. It was a woman, who had some light bulbs, some marked down items, some cold medicine, and a few other things. But she was having to put things back because she only had like $10. I offered to pay the difference. Everyone was like WTF? Im like its fine. "You wouldnt be here with these items if you didn't really need them. Let me help you with this little blessing. Just next time you have a chance, pay it forward." The cashier was taken back and the woman tried not to accept my help. But I insisted, and gave her $10 on top of it. Did I have it at the time, not really. But I have felt that embarrassment of not having the money for what I put on the counter, and have really needed it. But I had just gotten paid for some odd jobs that I did, and I put that money on a strangers tab, and paid for my stuff and had about $20 out of $200 left over after it was all said and done. About 3 days later, I got an unexpected check in the mail that more than covered what I had spent a few days before, plus a little more.
Being blessed and blessing others takes nothing. Even if you cant help out with money. Maybe offering to give someone a ride. Giving them some extra supplies you have around the house. Just being there to talk with them and letting them vent. Any number of things that you can do for someone else, do it. But like I said before. Do so without expecting repayment. Dont do it with the idea "well im doing this now for this person, so my karma is going to be really good and bless me 100 times more" because those blessings will not be coming.
You have more to offer than you think. You just have to be willing to give of yourself and not be selfish or have ulterior motives.